The Power of Pause
“Hey Coach . . . how can I stay on course AND have my favorite holiday treats?”
By: Laura Christoph, PhD, NBC-HWC
Head Nourishment Coach, Three Point Balance
Hey Nourishment Coach,
It is so hard to stick to my healthy eating routines during the holidays. At every corner there is a cookie, a cocktail, or a starchy buttery concoction topped with marshmallows claiming to be a “vegetable”. I just want to throw my hands up and say, “I’ll start in January!” How can I stay the course with my wellness journey AND enjoy my favorite festive treats?
Hey Three Point Balance Client,
Holidays can be tricky! Here at Three Point Balance, we focus on honoring our values and our need to nourish not only our physical bodies but also our minds and hearts during the holidays. The key is to PAUSE . . .
This approach involves 3 layers!
First, Pause and Predict
Before the holidays begin, make a list of all of the food experiences you are likely to have. Consider how you might navigate each environment to both honor your desire to nourish your heart and soul AND to honor your personal nutritional needs.
Here is an example from a recent client . . .
Occasion: Thanksgiving
Desired Food Experience: 1 plate of any food I desire
Connection to Values AND Nutritional Needs: Thanksgiving is a time for me when I enjoy all of the traditional flavors of New England. In the past, I have overeaten or tried to balance protein, carbs and fat. This is not where I want my mind to be! Instead, I will focus on portion sizes and eat until I am pleasantly satisfied, enjoying all of the flavors.
Occasion: Holiday party
Desired Food Experience: One cocktail and seltzer the rest off the night
Connection to Values AND Nutritional Needs: They make a mean martini at the annual holiday party celebration. One is enough! When I drink too much, I don’t feel good in my body. By having one martini and seltzer the rest of the evening, I can enjoy the food experience and feel good!
Occasion: Christmas Day
Desired Food Experience: Eat breakfast!
Connection to Values AND Nutritional Needs: My family opens gifts all morning and I always “save up” for Christmas dinner. By the time it comes, I am starving and typically overeat. If I have a balanced, nourishing breakfast before we open gifts, my blood sugar will be steady, and I will make more conscious choices later in the day.
Occasion: New Year’s Eve
Desired Food Experience: Choose alcohol OR dessert
Connection to Values AND Nutritional Needs: I go to an amazing party every New Year’s Eve. There is so much food and alcohol that I tend to overeat AND over drink. I wake up to the new year hung over and cranky. This year, I want to pick one or the other. I know my body feels good when I have sweets or alcohol in moderation and don’t mix the two.
Second, Pause in the Moment
To stick with your Pause and Predict intentions, you must be PRESENT as you have your food experiences. Before choosing a food or drink, pause and ask yourself a predetermined question to help yourself stay conscious of your decisions. Some examples from previous clients include:
· Will this nourish me?
· Does this action align with my values?
· Is this worth it?
Pick something that resonates with you!
Third, Pause and Reflect
After each food experience, take time to pause and reflect. Did you honor your mind, body AND heart as you made decisions? Where were the successes? What challenges came up for you? How can you use this information to inform future decisions?
Rather than trying to gain CONTROL over your food between November and December this year, honor the power of a pause.
Here at Three Point Balance, we work with you to tap into your inner wisdom and empower you to choose your own path as you navigate all of the opportunities to celebrate this holiday season.
We wish you and yours a very Happy Holidays!