Your Holiday Stress-Less Guide
Gift yourself with less stress this season!
Less perfect
more mess
less stress!
We’re talking EXPECTATIONS. They turn us into crazy people, especially when the leftover desserts are taunting you from the fridge!
The Pintrest image of the “perfect holiday” is a myth. You know this, but it’s hard it is to LET GO of UNREALISTIC EXPECTATIONS. This underlying tone is often what spirals people into emotional eating in all seasons, but especially during the Holidays!
By learning some basic ways to let go, have healthier boundaries, and prioritize what’s really important, you truly can THRIVE!
As we talk about unrealistic expectations, I think of the dream images we see in the media, or memories of a life we used to have, or lives we envy. Social media can be great, but man, it can be a nightmare too!
PLUS, we assume that others have big expectations of us, or worse, they have told us so. (Hello family drama!!)
Instead of doing that same old same old and wondering why our pants don’t fit come Dec 31, try a few new things to reduce holiday stress and enjoy this time of year much more!
Let’s start with letting GO of unrealistic expectations.
Make a list of all the things you plan to do for the holidays this year.
Are you totally stressed out yet? ;)
I invite you (and give you permission) to be really honest about this list!
Are the items on your list about honoring someone, or making a memory, or upholding a special tradition?
What on this list, might be about pleasing everyone, living up to a ridiculous standard, or working really hard hoping that everyone will notice how amazing you are and reciprocate??!!
My guess is that it’s a mixed bag, AND there’s a good amount that falls into the latter category.
What could GO this year??
Try asking yourself these questions about the things on your list . . .
“Does this really matter?”
“What would really happen if I didn’t do this?”
“Can I live with the consequences?”
“How would I go about simplifying this (if it’s stays) or eliminating this (if it goes)?”
Before you jump into action (good for you!), a note about Boundaries . . . Boundaries are created from your values (not others - YOURS).
Boundaries come in a few forms:
Your voice - communicating your needs and what you will or won’t do, spoken in love, and letting the other person own their response.
Your thoughts - minding your mind, and challenging your inner critic who has you convinced that it’s your job to please everyone or live up to a standard that you cannot manage during this busy time of year. This is literally saying “NO” to yourself, so you can do something more important, beneficial or rewarding.
Your actions - walking the walk. Anticipate ahead of time the fall out. Brace yourself, and do something different that upholds your healthy boundaries.
Now that you have some ideas of how you want to simplify your life over the holidays, get others involved to support you.
You could begin by asking your family/friends, what their ONE favorite holiday tradition is (that you are a part of). If it involves cooking or decorating or doing something together, enroll them. Put them on a task or have them plan it.
If there are too many things that “have” to happen all at once (like visiting both sides of the family on Thanksgiving day), could the time table be shifted while preserving a special tradition??
Day dream about how you would feel with life radically simplified. Would it cause a moment of panic that someone is going to be disappointed?
This is your clue that the issue is NOT that you’re too busy. The issue is how disappointing someone might make you FEEL. And that topic is for another blog called “Tis the Season for Emotional Eating”.
Be a radical. Notice when you’re getting sucked into marketing and expectations. You can handle difficult emotions that might pop up, like disappointment. Prove it to yourself.
With the Three Point Balance experience, we work with our clients for an entire year, so we can navigate all 4 seasons and all the ups and downs with life. Our clients learn how to connect with their body and inner world with such wisdom and insight that they form boundaries to support their very best health. It’s a place of freedom, confidence and compassion. Now that’s a pretty fantastic GIFT!!