Stuck in the Middle
“Help! I’m stuck in the middle!”
By: Laura Christoph, PhD, NBC-HWC
Head Nourishment Coach, Three Point Balance
Hey Coach: “Help! I'm stuck in the middle …
“For the first few weeks of my Three Point Balance Journey, I was really excited to make some health changes. Now, two months in, it just seems like "too much". How can I stay motivated, stay connected to my wellness goals, and still have energy for all that comes my way?
Hey, client. You have been on the nourishment path for a while now, noticing hunger and fullness and eating more in a more balanced way. And a couple months is a sticky point in the wellness journey.”
Hey Three Point Balance Client: “Ruts are part of the Process …
What you are experiencing is "the middle" where motivation lapses. When none of the excitement of starting the journey is left and the end seems a long way away.
When you are stuck in the middle, you are no longer inspired by the big shifts in energy and body composition. You are just trudging through, checking off your wellness habits day in and day out. It's the grind.
What to do about it
The key to "the middle'' is making it less overwhelming by finding some small victories along the path. We can reinvigorate our motivation by creating small, doable, easy to achieve bites of intentions that can help you believe in yourself and continue the path.
Shift Focus:
Perhaps you shift your focus on everything to one small thing that you can check off daily. In a session, we would brainstorm what might work best for you based on your personal values, strengths and objectives. Here are some examples my clients have implemented in the past:
Eat a colorful fruit or vegetable at every meal
At at least one meal per day, use my 5 senses to enjoy my food or beverage
Rate my hunger on a scale of 1-10 before and after each meal
Eat with a friend at least once per day
Make at least one of my grain choices a whole grain today
Drink my full 32 ounce water bottle over the course of the work day
Up-level Accountability:
Frequent check-ins with your coach and/or accountability partner are KEY at this point. Your brain wants to rebel against change, and committing to change talk by engaging in it often is important. Consider upping your coach meeting frequency or scheduling some daily check-ins with a friend or family member invested in your journey.
Client-Centered Approach
Remember, you are not alone! There is a messy middle to every wellness journey, and no one feels super motivated during the grind. You CAN be in the messy middle and be on the path! It feels different, but the grind is part of the process.
As you can see, our approach at Three Point Balance puts clients at the center of their wellness journey. Coaches are partners and guides, empowering the client to gain autonomy and define their own wellness path.
Take Action: What is one small thing you could focus on tomorrow that will help you feel like you are staying the course, but won't feel so insurmountable that you just want to put it aside?
For research about "the middle", check out: