The Missing Essentials
3 Core Principles for Lasting Weight Loss Success
First - the dieting industry doesn’t want you to know that weight sustainability 2 years after a weight loss program is only about 2%!! That's a 98% failure rate! (Yikes) There’s much more going on here than lack of consistency or willpower.
Let’s take a deeper look at why these formulas work AGAINST people and how to align yourself with long term success with a life and body that is just right for you!
Work WITH your MIND and BODY, not against.
Your body and mind are BRILLIANTLY adapting to everything you do. Most diet plans inhibit natural metabolism and force the body and brain to react in ways that are not sustainable to weight loss.
Here are a few examples of efforts that can backfire:
-Extreme Calorie deficit (more than 20%)
-Super detailed Macro plans
-Eliminating entire food groups or cleanses
-Highly processed foods that are “ok” because they fit the numbers of the plan
-Forced time tables of when you are allowed to eat
-Point systems that put food on a scale of permissibility
-Plans that feed restriction with “allowed and not allowed” language
-Drugs that “work” only while a patient is taking them
No worries if you’ve done these things. We all have. However, you do NOT need any of this to create a life you love in a weight that works for you! Yay!! 💃
The best way to know that your approach is working with your body, mind and heart is:
Experiment with small action steps in your routine that can evolve into Habits that will build the Skills you need for your Goal: Action -> Habit -> Skill ->Goal
Monitor your progress in many areas outside of the scale (see Principle #3)
Get an outside perspective to help you build self-awareness and make the internal changes necessary to support your goals
Have the COMPLETE FORMULA: body, mind & heart
Your unique formula includes:
Personal Values
Relationship with Food and Body
Strengths and Resources
Social and Physical Environment
Nutrition and Movement that builds a Metabolism fit for weight loss
When you want a transformation of self, inside and out, then a simple formula, like monitoring calories, macros and exercise, will NOT suffice.
A complete formula puts YOU at the center of the action - not a coach, not a plan, not a program. And this approach meets all of the layers of your deeper health that are essential for long term success!
Now, this does not mean you need an overwhelming laundry list of “should’s” to be successful! The point here is that success is dependent on MANY factors. Knowing HOW these factors fit together is key. It’s essential to know which levers to pull in order to create a snowball effect in the other areas of your life that will support your just-right weight.
And THIS is why, at Three Point Balance, we work as a coaching team to guide you through life changing work. You’re complex. You deserve a nuanced formula that meets ALL your needs. Not a math equation.
Old patterns of dieting can make progress tracking a bit tricky, even triggering. You probably want to give up the scale, food journaling, counting calories, etc. Totally understandable. BUT, anytime we are working towards an outcome goal, like weight loss, we want to measure how our actions are helping to facilitate that goal.
This requires a SHIFT in focus.
Instead of a program telling you what information to track, YOU need to choose the types of data that would be most supportive within the context of your weight loss journey.
Plus, most people take on way too much all at once. Our brains don’t work this way. It’s a sure fire recipe for low motivation and burning yourself out with all or nothing plans. Instead, we work with our clients on a stair-stepped approach that is 100% relevant to their readiness levels for a specific action.
Remember: Action -> Habit -> Skill -> Goal
Once you’ve chosen an action step, choose a way to track progress or collect information that will help you.
You can think of it 2 ways . . .
1- ACTION Data:
Number of servings like veggies or protein in a day
Tracking consistency with new habits, like exercise, relaxation or meditation
Setting a target and tracking that, like water, sleep, movement
Setting “when this, then that” targets, like “when I crave sugar, I will check in with my body” and then monitor the percentage of frequency for which you practice this action
2 - BODY Data:
Food cravings
Aches and pains
Hunger and satiation cues
Blood sugar levels throughout the day
Regardless of what data YOU choose to collect, the point is that you are tracking progress using methods that open up new possibilities and motivate you forward!
Now, let’s look back at those 3 Principles:
PRINCIPLE #1 - Work WITH your MIND and BODY, not against.
PRINCIPLE #2 - Have the COMPLETE FORMULA: body, mind & heart.
Which of these 3 principles stands out the most to you?
What resources and strengths do you have to take 1 action step?
Where do you need more information or support to move forward?
Once you commit to the Big Picture of your wellness journey, especially with a weight loss goal, OPPORTUNITY is at your doorstep!
Go bigger.
Go deeper.
It will pay off in huge ways and keep paying off for life!